Sunday, May 20, 2007

Pokemon Pearl review

Pokemon. It has been around for more than ten years now. From the days of the old 151, it's now expanded very far to the present count of 493. How does the latest entry into Pokemon fare?

An initial view will tell you nothing has changed from the previous RPG Pokemon games. If you have played the previous ones, you will feel right at home. What are the additions to the latest addition? Well, they have changed the battle system, where attacks are based on what kind of attack it is, Physical or Special.

Graphics wise, it's definitely a step up from the GBA, but the graphics aren't all that amazing to be honest. Sound however, is great. Some of the tunes feel very Final Fantasy-ish while some feel very much original. A massive step up from the previous games.

Besides that they have added Wi-Fi connectivity. Previously in other Pokemon games, trading and battling between friends has always been limited to link cable (FireRed, Leaf Green and Emerald GBA games introduced the (defunct) wireless capability but it is not linkable with the DS' wireless connection).Now with the DS and Nintendo's WiFi Connection system, this is no longer a problem. Pokemon trades can be done across the globe. The GTS system allows for trading without friend codes while if you are trading among friends, the friend codes trading is still a viable option.

What I did not like about this game however, is that the game plays slower. While the previous installments were very fast, in this one, it does seem plays at a slower pace. I'm not sure whether is it because of the intense loading or its just plain lag but it is annoying. Also the storyline does get tedious and boring. I won't reveal too much, but if you've played Ruby and Sapphire, I think you pretty much get how the story will pan out.

My verdict? If you liked Pokemon, this certainly is a great entry and well worth adding to your Pokemon collection. However, if you haven't played Pokemon, you will have no reason to venture into the Pokemon world.

Final score: 7.5/10

Click here to buy Pokemon Pearl from Play-Asia! (US version)

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