Saturday, July 5, 2008

A golden opportunity...gone to waste?

This morning, like...10 minutes ago, a guy from Elken called me - offering me some Product Executive job. Seems like there's always one stumbling block - my lack of a driver's license.


So unfortunately, they are "reconsidering" (well, they said it was a handicap and they didn't write me off completely)...although my bad feelings tell me: is this bad news for me? :( coz you know what happens when they usually say "we'll call you".

In the meantime, please allow me space as I bash my head upon the walls of this blog seeing I probably threw it away, sigh...

*bash bash bash bash bash bash bash* :(

Bottomline: I need a driver's license (for a host of other reasons too...)

1 comment:

Pr1me_Minister said...

So what are you waiting for? Hands off the mouse and grab on a REAL car steering wheel now! :P